Singular Pair O' Docs

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Location: Santa Monica, United States

Doylinski. Anachronistic - one from a former age that is incongruous with the present. Yet not a true believer in transmigration of the soul. Quite pragmatic. And dogmatic only about not being dogmatic.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

IN(my dreams I never thought I'd get there)DIA

'Twas the night before India...

The moment is fast approaching, I-N-D-I-A; she beckons.

Its hard to imagine how long I have been working out the kinks to finally book passage to that great land of the esoteric knowledge. That is the myth in my own mind at any rate. A seed planted with the love of the music of John McLaughlin in 1977. It began with the laughable cover of an album: "Love, Devotion and Surrender". There is that album cover photo burned into retinal memory of John with Carlos Santana and some guy wearing an orange skirt going by the name of Sri Chimnoy. What a laugh that was for a 13 year old looking for anything to assuage the tumultuousness of a life turned inside out by testosterone. And now, nigh 3 decades later, I will come to see the land that produced such a sight, such a man, that electrified and elated the guitar of one John "Mahavishnu" McLaughlin.

And from those fingers to my ears to my mind and off into the depths of my Spirit.

And in the last eight years with the discovery of yoga-asana and the "yuj", that is the connecting of self with Self and onto the Universe of Ishta Deveta. Yoga, authentic and with a capital "Y". This to is on the mantle that shapes my India pilgrimage story.

There were setbacks. Evidence: outdated India travel books, bought and never utilized. And now all that is behind me as I stand on the threshold between continents and dreams.